Category Archives: HyperVideo Player
Configuration Files for Silverlight HVP
This mini-tutorial is part of the Silverlight HyperVideo Project documentation. Taking Risks One of the great pleasures, and total terrors of documenting this open-source application is that occasionally I have to offer up some half-baked ideas that risk displaying how … Continue reading
Configuration Files for Silverlight HVP
This mini-tutorial is part of the Silverlight HyperVideo Project documentation. Taking Risks One of the great pleasures, and total terrors of documenting this open-source application is that occasionally I have to offer up some half-baked ideas that risk displaying how … Continue reading
Silverlight HVP Design Update
This blog post is part of the documentation for the Silverlight HyperVideo Player Open Source Project Design Change: Create an Interface: IMarkerEventHandler Optionally derive a base class MarkerEventHandler that implements the interface Instantiate MarkerEventHandler classes that are decoupled from … Continue reading
Information for Silverlight HVP Developers…
Information for current and interested developers for the Silverlight HVP project has been consolidated, extended and updated on the new Developer’s Page. </msg>