Thank you if you were able to join our Webcast Silverlight For Total Novices. (If you were unable to attend, please keep an eye on the events page for the Recording.)
In the time we had, we could only scratch the surface, but a number of resources were mentioned and I wanted to make sure that I posted links to them so that you can find them easily. While I'm at it I'll add a few other valuable resoruces that were not mentioned.
In imperfect order they include:
1. The best starting point is the Silverlight Site
2. You may want to read my post Silverlight For Total Novices that reviews the steps for downloading what you need and recommends which videos to watch and in what order (This post by Tim Heuer explains why you need the Silverlight tools for Visual Studio 2008 even though you are building 1.0 applications and the tool says it is for 1.1!)
3. A great next stop is the Fire Starter tutorials.
4. The "How Do I" videos on creating shapes, fill, transforms, drag and drop and streaming are all here.
5. If you are interested in what is coming in Silverlight 2.0, Scott Guthrie's announcement is the third item in this blog entry.
6. Questions and Answers can be found on our forum
Thanks again and best of luck!
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