Just to tie the previous two blog posts together, I copied the C# into Instant VB and here is what it spit out (line break added to fit)
Private Sub AnyPropertyCheckBox_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RoutedEventArgs) Dim isVisible As Nullable(Of Boolean) = Not AnyPropertyCheckBox.IsChecked For Each uie As UIElement In LayoutRoot.Children Dim cb As CheckBox = TryCast(uie, CheckBox) If cb IsNot Nothing Then If cb.Tag IsNot Nothing AndAlso cb.Tag.ToString().ToUpper() = "SEARCHCRITERIA" Then cb.Visibility = If(isVisible.GetValueOrDefault() = True, _
Visibility.Visible, Visibility.Collapsed) End If ' end if tag match End If ' end if check box Next uie ' end for each element End Sub ' end method