David Silverlight (isn’t that the second best name you’ve ever heard?) runs Community Credit whose slogan is “We give stupid prizes to smart people.”
The idea is to recognize and reward folks for participating in the geek community, and he has a fairly sophisticated point system To give you a sense of how many things you can do to get points, I took a picture of the list, and shrunk it down to 5% (that’s it on the left!). Click on it to see the entire list.
I would of course blow this off as the self-indulgent relentless pursuit of recognition, were I not a two time winner.
Given that, I think it is a great and wonderful service, that encourages participation from every aspect of the geek community.
Plus, I got this really cool (sorry) USB desk-top refrigerator that I can keep my Arnold Palmers cold in.
I never in my life even heard of an Arnold Palmer (ice tea and lemon-aide) until I went to dinner with Tim Heuer who knows more about Silverlight and about libations than anyone else. I am now hopelessly addicted.
In any case, the refrigerator has blue LEDs so it should be great.
[Arnold Palmer was the Tiger Woods of my youth, only for some reason all his games were played in black and white.]
Having said all that, be sure to go check out the Silverlight.net Community Recognition Program which is also wicked cool, but in which I’m not winning any prizes so I don’t like it as much.