There has been a number of requests for videos, tutorials and Webcasts that dive deeper. A few weeks ago I scheduled a Webcast for this Wednesday to cover the Visual State Manager which presents a good opportunity to do so.
During this Webcast I will endeavor to provide a context for skinning in general and the VSM in particular, and to provide a general introduction to the overall Parts and States Model. By the end of the hour you should have a solid understanding of what it takes to re-skin any existing control.
This will be followed by Part II, one month from now, in which we’ll focus on creating Custom Skinnable controls and at that time we’ll dive very deeply into the Parts and States model.
If there are issues you are running into with the VSM, with transitions or with skinning controls, please let me know in the next couple days and I’ll try to address them in my presentation.
I look forward to seeing you there.