When I was a kid, I collected brand names that were also generics (I’m all that’s left of a very bizarre childhood). Among my prizes were
- Frisbee
- Yoyo
- Bandaid
- Slinky
- Scotch Tape
- Xerox
you get the idea
(Okay, we didn’t have the last one or I’d be a lot richer)
Yesterday,after passing a sign that said “ATM Machine,” my daughter and I started a small collections of acronym redundancies. Here’s our starter list, you are invited to add more
ATM Machine
PIN Number
SALT Talks
SAT Test
SQL Language
CD Rom Disk (a variant)
GIF Format (and if you are over 40 that is pronounced with a soft g, but if you are under 40 or a designer, a hard g)
You are invited to contribute as you run across more.
And while you’re at it, let’s create a full list of the recursive acronyms, such as GNU, LAME, PHP… Those are fun too.
@Ray Shuman
Yes…my aunt used to call them Frigidaires. Here’s another few for the first list
Aspirin (which Bayer lost the brand rights to because they didn’t defend it so I guess it technically doesn’t belong)
Skidoo (although to be fair…does anyone else make a jet ski?)
For the RAS Syndrome how about
HSN Network
Interstate I-65
What about WP7 Phone? 🙂
Percent APR
Oh, and a few years ago I taught my wife the recursive acronym Mung:
She teaches it to her elementary school art class. When someone futzes with their project too long, the other kids start chanting, “No munging! No munging!”
And then there’s Hofstadter’s Law…
A couple of vintage entries:
– Frigidaire used to be in the first list.
– DMZ Zone used to be in the second.
DVD Disk
NTFS File System
LCD Display
…and you can add Hoover to your first list (though this is more of a UK thing I guess)
Always wondered the proper name for acronyms like this, there is a nice list of recursive acronyms on Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recursive_acronym
To add to your redundant list,
CSS Style Sheets.
I think your AcroRedundancies are what is also known as PNS syndrome (expands to “personal identification number number syndrome syndrome”).
See wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RAS_syndrome
So stealing from there you could add to your list…
– CSS Style Sheets
– SMS Message