Tag Archives: JavaScript
Silverlight 1.1: What Have You Learned Dorothy?
Well, I – I think that …- if I ever go looking for my heart's desire again, I won't look any further than my own back yard. Because if it isn't there, I never really lost it to begin with! … Continue reading
Greetings from Ajax World where Silverlight is King! (Or at least royalty)
I'm here at Ajax World in Santa Clara and interest in Silverlight is very high. Folks want to know what it is, how it works, how it fits in with Ajax, and how they can get started with it. One … Continue reading
Available to Present on Silverlight
I am available to talk at events world-wide (and especially nationwide) where I can talk to (ideally) a couple hundred developers about Silverlight Programming. If I can work out the timing and the details, Microsoft will cover all expenses and fees. I … Continue reading
Getting Ready For 1.1
With the release of 1.0 and the announcement in ScottGu's blog today that his team is working hard on 1.1 (and the promise of many exciting features) many developers are (it is fair to say) champing at the bit, in … Continue reading
The Great Asynchronous Learning Experiment – Day 5
The following is part of a continuing "fantasy learning experience" of a .NET programmer learning Silverlight using the resources on this site. The premise is that this experience is "asynchronous" in that you may choose to join our novice at any time, reading the … Continue reading
Does Intellisense really show that Javascript is typed (see previous post)?
A good buddy (and great (Flex [Shhhh!!] programmer) wrote to me offline (to spare me embarassment) and asked, among other questions answered by Justin in his comment at the end of the previous blog entry, the following: "I also didn't understand what … Continue reading
The Great Asynchronous Learning Experiment – Day 1
In this diary of a learning experiment, I am taking the role of an experienced .NET programmer who knows little or nothing about Silverlight, but who wants to become proficient, first in Silverlight 1.0 and then in all subsequent versions. … Continue reading