Tag Archives: wp7Tutorial
iPhone to Windows Phone 7: Launchers and Choosers
Not all Windows Phone 7 Applications are entirely self-contained. It is not terribly surprising that some will want to reach out and touch other applications. There are two ways to do so: Launch (and forget) another application Choose an application … Continue reading
iPhone to Windows Phone 7 – Application LifeCycle and Tombstoning
[ Link to First Tutorial ] The iPhone and Windows Phone 7 share the same dilemma: how do we maintain an extremely responsive experience for the user, provide some sort of multi-tasking and preserve battery life, all at the same … Continue reading
Two Tutorial Series – Your Input and Participation Wanted
Some of you have expressed interested in either or both of the current tutorial series An iPhone Developer’s Guide To Windows Phone 7 Programming Windows Phone 7 Programming For Silverlight Developers To make it easier to follow these, and to … Continue reading
iPhone to Windows Phone 7 Tutorial: Objective-C, C#, Xaml
[ Link to First Tutorial ] While there is much you can “pick up as you go” if you are an Objective-C programmer, understanding some of the fundamental differences in C# can save you a great deal of time and … Continue reading
Announcing the Windows Phone 7 Release, WP7 Silverlight Toolkit and XNA 4.0!
Today is a great release day. We’ve launched everything you need to write Windows Phone 7 applications. Not only that, but we’ve also released XNA 4.0 not only for phone, but for all supported XNA platforms.
iPhone to Windows Phone 7 Tutorial #4: Lists and Details
[Please note that comments and discussion for published tutorials are at http://i2w.CodePlex.com ] In the previous tutorial we looked at binding data to fields on a Windows Phone 7 page. In this tutorial we take the next step and create … Continue reading
iPhone To Windows Phone 7 On CodePlex
I’m very pleased to say that I’ve moved the source code for the iPhone Developer’s Guide to Windows Phone 7 Programming tutorial series to CodePlex under the MS-Pl license.
iPhone to WP7 – Diving Deeper
Go to First Tutorial In this tutorial, we’ll expand upon the work done in the previous tutorial and we’ll look more closely at a few key issues. MVVM As an iPhone Developer your thinking is adapted to and influenced by … Continue reading
i2W: An iPhone Developer’s First Windows Phone 7 Application
Go to first Tutorial In this tutorial we will build a meaningful, and nontrivial Windows phone 7 application. This will give us the opportunity to explore layout controls, interactive controls, Visual Studio and a good bit more. [Updated 8/30/2010]
iPhone to Windows Phone 7
This is the zeroth (introduction) in a series of Tutorials aimed at iPhone developers who want to learn how to port existing applications or create new applications in Windows Phone 7. About these Tutorials The series will consist of brief … Continue reading
Random Walks For Windows Phone 7
It makes me a little crazy that every time the markets go up or down the newspapers cannot resist attributing a reason (though they’re not so good at predicting!). Today’s NY Times: “Markets down 2% on concerns about slowing economy.” … Continue reading
WP7 Mini-Tutorial Lists & Master/Detail
this tutorial begins the discussion of lists and of presenting the ubiquitous Master/Detail relationship in Windows Phone 7 Continue reading