Category Archives: Essentials


A dive into an amazing program for developers: NDepend

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Scott Hunter – Aspire and more

Scott Hunter (VP Microsoft) joins Yet Another Podcast’s reboot to talk about Aspire, Azure and much more. Do not miss this episode… Aspire will blow you away! Links to follow. 

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API Part 7 – Swagger Comments

In the previous post, I introduced Swagger and showed how to set up your project for Swagger. In this post I will show how to add Swagger comments to annotate your program. In earlier posts we looked at the database … Continue reading

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I need winter to end

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API – Video 1

An experiment in supplementing the API material with video. This will be rough at first…

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.NET APIs Part 5 – All the CRUD APIs

In the previous posting we saw how to create an API to get all the cars in our database. In this posting we’ll look at the remaining CRUD (Create Review Update Delete) operations. As you may remember, we created a … Continue reading

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Mads Torgersen on C# 12

Super excited and proud to have Mads (lead designer of C#) back to talk about C# 12 

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.NET APIs Part 4 – Creating the APIs

We are, finally, ready to create our ASP.NET Core application that will host our traditional and our minimal APIs. (This series begins here.) The code for this blog post is available here:git clone Please note that WordPress seems to … Continue reading

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File Comparison

In a previous post I said I was still looking for the right file comparison tool. I may have found it! I returned to ExamDiff Pro and voilà! the perfect combination of power and ease of use. I integrated it … Continue reading

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.NET APIs Part 3 – Dapper

In part 2 of this series we created a simple database. In this part we’ll look at how to perform CRUD operations against that DataBase in anticipation of creating APIs for these operations. Dapper is a micro-ORM (Object Relational Mapper) … Continue reading

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APIs in .NET – Part 2 – The Database

As noted in part 1 of this series, I will be building an application specifically to explore building APIs. To get started, I’ll want to build a back-end database. The application we’ll be simulating is a car dealership. Customers can … Continue reading

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New Series: Creating APIs in .NET

While I’m still happily ensconced at CNH Industrial, I have changed my job. I’m no longer writing mobile applications (for the first time in about 7 years!) but rather am writing APIs using ASP.NET Core and C#. -The plan is … Continue reading

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