Tag Archives: Video
API – Video 1
An experiment in supplementing the API material with video. This will be rough at first…
.NET MAUI Videos Free
I’ve posted my .NET MAUI For Xamarin.Forms Programmers and Advanced .NET MAUI videos on YouTube.
.NET MAUI Forget Me Not – Part 6.5
I have posted the (incomplete) code at https://github.com/jesseliberty/GraniteStateForgetMeNot and a video of much of the material captured in this series is now on YouTube
Windows 7.5 Video: Fast Application Switching
The latest in the “Mango Videos” series is posted.
New Videos Uploaded
I’ve recently uploaded a number of new Videos in the Windows Phone 7.5 video series. The two most recent (uploaded today) are on persisting an image and navigation within an MVVM application.
A Dozen Windows Phone Videos… And Counting
Video #12 was recently posted to The Mango Videos on Channel 9 – this a short video on Reminders in Windows Phone 7.1 (Mango).
Silverlight TV–On Reactive Extensions
I had the opportunity to talk with John Papa on Silverlight TV about Reactive Extensions.