Category Archives: Essentials

Hey! I was interviewed on WebRush

I had the pleasure of turning the tables and being interviewed on WebRush with Jon Papa et al

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Writing a programmer’s cover letter: ChatGPT

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Yet Another Podcast – De Sanctis on APIs

Today I spoke with Valerio De Sanctis, author of Building Web APIs with ASP.NET Core.

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Writing Unit Tests with ChatGPT

Just posted on Packt: Writing Unit Tests with ChatGPT

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About that dozen programmer must-haves

I wrote this blog post in September of last year, and looking at it today I realized that I don’t use a couple of these anymore: 1) Resharper: the overhead was borderline too much and most of the refactoring power … Continue reading

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New Job!

I have changed jobs within my current company (CNH Industrial). I will no longer be doing mobile programming (for the first time in six years) and will be building APIs and back-end code! I think you can expect fewer articles … Continue reading

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Presented in Prague

I presented on .NET MAUI For Xamarin.Forms Programmers and Advanced .NET MAUI in Prague last week, and it was great (Prague, not the presentations). All went well, but touring Prague was terrific. The city was founded in the 10th century … Continue reading

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.NET MAUI For C# Developers

In Stores Now! Very excited about this book. Feedback is very welcome at Thanks!

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Yet Another Podcast – NDepend

Excited to have Patrick Smacchia of NDepend on to discuss this amazing tool for creating world-class .NET applications. Use CasesVideos Download NDepend

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XAML vs C#

My latest book: Learn .NET MAUI — An Essential Guide for C# Developers will be released March 31, 2023. Given the existence and likely enhancements to the .NET MAUI Community Markup Toolkit for C#, and that many people will come … Continue reading

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.NET MAUI Triggers

Triggers in .NET MAUI are not that different from triggers in Xamarin.Forms, but since this is not a frequently used feature, I thought I’d provide a quick deep-dive into their usage. Triggers allow you to declare, in your XAML, how … Continue reading

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Blast from the past: Xamarain TDD (2016)

This video, from evolve 2016 covers Test Driven Development in Xamarin.Forms.

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