Tag Archives: YapCast


A dive into an amazing program for developers: NDepend

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Scott Hunter – Aspire and more

Scott Hunter (VP Microsoft) joins Yet Another Podcast’s reboot to talk about Aspire, Azure and much more. Do not miss this episode… Aspire will blow you away! Links to follow. 

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Mads Torgersen on C# 12

Super excited and proud to have Mads (lead designer of C#) back to talk about C# 12 

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Yet Another Podcast – De Sanctis on APIs

Today I spoke with Valerio De Sanctis, author of Building Web APIs with ASP.NET Core.

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Yet Another Podcast – NDepend

Excited to have Patrick Smacchia of NDepend on to discuss this amazing tool for creating world-class .NET applications. Use CasesVideos Download NDepend

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David Ortinau on .NET MAUI

David Ortinau, Program Manager .NET and voice of .NET MAUI discusses MAUI as a platform, Blazor Hybrid, Community Toolkits, as well as what’s on the road map for .NET MAUI.

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Bill Wagner on C# 11 – Part 1

Bill Wagner creates C# learning and reference materials for https://learn.microsoft.com. He works with colleagues on the C# team, related content teams, and customers to provide resources for everyone that wants to learn more about C#. He’s also a member of the … Continue reading

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Mark Price on C# 11

Mark Price joined me to discuss C# 11 and his books, C# 11 and .NET 7 and Apps and Services with .NET 7. Both books are available in my tiny book store, listed under Favorite books for programmers. Note: A … Continue reading

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Mads Torgersen & Dustin Campbell Part 2

Part 2 of my discussion with Mads and Dustin on what’s new in C# 11 with a focus on when application developers will use the new features.

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C# 11 with Mads Torgersen & Dustin Campbell Part 1

Joined today by Mads and Dustin to discuss what’s new in C# 11 with a focus on when application developers will use the new features.

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Maddy Montaquila on .NET MAUI

Very excited to have Maddy back on Yet Another Podcast. Today we go beyond the basics to intermediate and advanced topics in .NET MAUI. Or wherever you get your podcasts.

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Robert “Uncle Bob” Martin on Agile and more…

Incredibly pleased to have one of the pioneers in Agile programming: Robert “Uncle Bob” Martin. Uncle Bob is known for, among other things, his SOLID principles of development. He is the author of the seminal book Clean Code along with … Continue reading

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