This begins The Great Silverlight Competency Test – an entirely arbitrary set of a dozen challenges, each of which I believe a competent Silverlight Programmer ought to be able to complete within no more than 1 hour.
Each of the twelve tests will appear on Monday, a viable solution will be provided 10 days later on the following Wednesday.
The solution I provide will tell you how to self-score your own solution (each on a scale of 0-100), and at the end I’ll try to provide a metric for the entire experience. 25 points for each bug you find in my code!
On the honor system you may post your scores into the book giveaway and I will give one of the top scorers a copy of the book. (Microsoft employees not eligible, void where prohibited, yadda yadda).
Please feel free to help one another by discussing the problem, ideas and questions in the comments for each exercise.
Competency #1 (of 12)
Write a Silverlight program mimicing a problem report system, that allows you to go to your db and call up a record by phone number and view and/or edit all of the following fields. Do not implement membership or roles feel free to prepopulate the db with randomized data.
- Full name
- Address
- Email(s)
- Phone(s)
- Date of first contact
- Date of last contact
- Reason for calling (1 of 5 possible)
- Product (1 of 20 possible)
- Computer(s) running on
- Description of problem
Your program must run on Windows 7 or WP7, but 25 points for both.
Note: No further clarification will be provided, design as you see fit.