It’s August and it’s hot, and it’s time for a few movie recommendations…
I assume you’ve seen The Matrix and Memento. If not, stop reading and go watch those right now. If you did see them and you liked them, you’ll probably also really like:
Inception – This great sf film considers what happens if technology lets you share a dream with others.
The film transcends both the plot and the genre, and is by far Leonardo DiCaprio’s best performance. Directed and written by Christopher Nolan, who directed and wrote Memento. A brilliant film.
The story: DiCaprio plays a master extractor: someone who steals secrets from within dreams. He stands accused of a terrible crime, and can redeem himself only if he can pull off the ultimate and most difficult crime; not taking a secret out, but planting an idea into someone’s mind.
This one, even more than Memento, is better the second time you see it. And the third.
The Game – This is a somewhat older film, but it isn’t dated, and it provides infinite twists and surprises. Michael Douglas is good, but Sean Penn is brilliant. The story: Sean Penn, Michael Douglas’s ne’er do well brother, buys him participation in the Game. And every time you think you know what’s going on, you’re wrong.
Here’s two more that aren’t nearly as cerebral or as good, but are wicked fun. (More Tom Clancy than Neil Stephenson).
Source Code – This film will challenge your willing suspension of disbelief, but it makes up for it by rocketing along at an amazing pace. The premise is that a soldier wakes up in the body of someone he doesn’t know, and has 8 minutes to, essentially, save the world. Okay, it’s better than it sounds. Great summer flick.
Eagle Eye – I defy you to interrupt this movie or even look away for a moment. This one grabs hold. The story: two strangers are forced into a mysterious and deadly plot by phone calls from a woman they don’t know. Yes, that’s the same actress from Source Code, and both of these bubble-gum thrillers are just what is needed for sleepy summer days.