Tag Archives: Animation
iPhone to Windows Phone 7 – Animation and Games
This two-part tutorial is included in both An iPhone Developer’s Guide to Windows Phone 7 Programming, and Windows Phone 7 Development for Silverlight Programmers. The material is equally relevant to both and so the two series have been temporarily joined. … Continue reading
New Video: Master/Detail in WinPhone 7 with oData
The companion video to my mini-tutorial on Windows Phone 7 Animation, Master/Detail and accessing an oData web service, is now available.
Did You Know… There are 3 Versions of Keyframe Animation?
This is, as you may have guessed, the follow up to the previous Tip of the Day on Animation.In today's Tip of the Day I'd like to distinguish between three types of KeyFrame Animation: Lineear Discrete Spline Keyframe Vs "From,To" … Continue reading
Tip of the day delayed for no rational reason – Okay: Published!
The Tip of the Day is usually posted at 10 AM Eastern Time (GMT -5). Updated: 11:30 EST – Well, truth be told I'm trying to demonstrate keyframe animation in a new and inteteresting way and rather than giving up … Continue reading
Did You Know… There Are Four Basic Animation Mechanisms?
Silverlight offers you four ways to move an object from here to there From/To Animation Linear Key Frame Animation Discrete Key Frame Animation Spline Key Frame Animation From – To Animations (From there to here, from here to there, funny … Continue reading
Did You Know… That You Can Create A Timer Using XAML Animation?
To do so, create a Storyboard and mark that you will handle the Completed event. <Storyboard Completed="OnTimerCompleted"> Put in the simplest Animation you can manage (name it, so that you can set the duration programmatically). <DoubleAnimation x:Name="TimerDuration" make sure you … Continue reading
Webcast November 14
I will be presenting my first live web cast tomorrow, Wednesday November 14 at 1PM Eastern/ 10AM Pacific time. The topic is Using Animation to analyze data. Be sure to register if you are interested in participating in this live … Continue reading
One, Two, Many
I'm told that some primitive counting systems count as follows: one… two… many. This actually makes a great deal of sense. There are numerous things in life of which there is only one. One planet. One self. One sun. One … Continue reading
The Great Asynchronous Learning Experiment – Beginning 1.1 with Drag and Drop
As you may know, I've been tracking the learning process through this "diary" of learning Silverlight with periodic blog entries. I recently began working with Silverlight 1.1 (Alpha) in anticipation of my presentation at Tech Ed, and while I was … Continue reading
Animation is not a toy
One of the frustrations of creating "How Do I" videos is that to keep them simple enough to be useful educationally, they must often be useless from a real-world perspective. Nothing makes me crazier than when I go to a … Continue reading
The Great Asynchronous Learning Experiment – Day 2
Returned to Silverlight.net and downloaded all the tools. Went to the documentation and struggled on-line for a while, but the documentation I really wanted was in the help files; specifically the overviews. Wonderful news: the help files come with the … Continue reading