Tag Archives: JSON
Adam Kinney’s Too Great To Miss Tutorial on Making a Chart In 1.0
Do not miss Adam Kinney's excellent tutorial on creating a bar chart in Silverlight 1.0; it is brilliant, and it is a great staring point on working with XAML, JavaScript, JSON data and many other interesting aspects of Silverlight. Also, … Continue reading
Did You Know That… createObjectEx is really just a wrapper around createObject?
As Adam Nathan points out In Silverlight 1.0 Unleashed, Silverlight.createObjectEx is implemented as a function that takes an array as an argument and calls Silverlight.createObject, passing each element of the array in turn. The reason that many Silverlight programmers prefer … Continue reading
Hypervideo 2
We recently posted a video I’m very proud of: the second part of the series on HyperVideo. However, even though the landing page says “Presented by Jesse Liberty and Tim Heuer” you will note that in the video itself I … Continue reading
Animation is not a toy
One of the frustrations of creating "How Do I" videos is that to keep them simple enough to be useful educationally, they must often be useless from a real-world perspective. Nothing makes me crazier than when I go to a … Continue reading
The Great Asynchronous Learning Experiment – Day 6
[Updated 11:50pm 9/11 to make this a bit more readable] As you may know, I've become very interested in the idea of hypervideo. In my first HDI video on HyperVideo I hard coded the links to the markers in the movie … Continue reading