Tag Archives: Mac
!!WOW!! Run out and buy an SSD.
Wow! I added an SSD to my computer and made it my startup disk. Shazow! My disk rating in Windows went from 5.4 to 7.4 (that is unreal). Load time for Visual Studio is under 2 seconds. Load time for … Continue reading
Migrated from 32 bit to 64 bit – Wow!
Made a quick and dirty video about it… Be sure to watch in full screen.
On Our Cross Plat Commitment
When I joined Microsoft and started talking about Silverlight, many in the Mac community expressed skepticism about Microsoft’s long-term commitment to the Mac platform. In its most rabid form, the concern was that we were supporting the Mac only preemptively … Continue reading
Time To Update My Favorites
Periodically I take a shot at listing my favorites: some folks find useful items they hadn’t looked at and it forces me to take a long hard look at whether it is time to try something new. Today: Favorite Utilities … Continue reading
A Twitter App I want
Whose tweets do the people whose tweets I value, value? That is, this application would help me find the people whose tweets I consistently value, and then find out whose tweets they consistently value, and it would do it in … Continue reading
New Blog Features
To meet the needs of various readers, some of whom would like this blog to be totally focused on Silverlight features, and some who value a broader perspective, I’m making a few changes. [1] All entries will have one … Continue reading
My Favorite Utilities…
About twice a year I try to publish a list of the utilities that I use all the time… not the ones I like in theory, but the ones that I use – that make programming or computing easier, faster, … Continue reading
So Much Technology – So Little Time
We have, I think, officially passed the point where anyone can keep up with the new technology available for developers, just from Microsoft (let alone all the new options from all the other companies), and PDC is les … Continue reading
Silverlight 2 Releases Tomorrow
I’m very pleased to confirm that we’ll be releasing Silverlight 2 tomorrow. eWeek has an article that mentions the release and our funding for an open-source project to create an Eclipse plug-in for Silverlight. My personal opinion is I can’t … Continue reading
Throwing Together An Application
Creating a Quick and Dirty App in Silverlight There comes a point, usually within 3-6 months after I commit to a new technology, when it becomes my platform of choice for throwing together quick applications… when I just find it … Continue reading
Taking the market for granted – Not
Sometimes when I'm writing a reply to a comment, I realize it deserves a new blog post. Here you go…. >> I think that you're being optimistic in thinking that Silverlight is an automatic choice, even with SL 2.0. … Continue reading