Tag Archives: WPFS
Windows Phone: Touch
Windows Phone From Scratch #48 A key gesture for Windows Phone users is the tap or touch on the screen. Many controls have built-in support for the touch (e.g., the button) converting the touch to an existing click event. Other … Continue reading
Linq: SelectMany
Windows Phone From Scratch #47 A LINQ Tutorial SelectMany is a crucial operator in both LINQ and in Reactive Extensions. It may be easier to see what it does by focusing on LINQ, as most of us are more familiar … Continue reading
Linq and Fluent Programming
A LINQ Tutorial I interviewed Bill Wagner for Yet Another Podcast while we were both at CodeMash (look for his interview to be published next week). In addition to being one of the nicest guys I know, he is also … Continue reading
Using the Camera in Windows Phone 7
Windows Phone From Scratch #24 On January 24 we created an application that launched the contact list and returned the phone number of the selected contact. In that posting I reviewed, briefly, the difference between Launchers and Choosers. This posting … Continue reading
Launchers & Choosers–Part 2
Windows Phone From Scratch #23 In yesterday’s posting we created an application that used a chooser to allow you to pick a name from the contacts list and to obtain the related phone number. Today we’ll use that information to … Continue reading
Tasks: Launchers and Choosers–Windows Phone From Scratch #22
To provide your Windows Phone application access to the operating system (and with it, to the native applications such as SMS, the Contact List, the Camera, and, oh yes, making a call) Windows Phone 7 has a set of predefined … Continue reading
Oops! Our OData Was Read Only. Yikes!
Jon Galloway and I recently documented what we were learning about Entity Framework Code-First and oData as part of the Full Stack project. It turns out, however, that we were into some bleeding edge technology, and while everything we posted … Continue reading
Passing Parameters With Behaviors In MVVM Light for Windows Phone
Windows Phone From Scratch #20 MVVM Light Toolkit Soup To Nuts #5 In the previous posting in this series, we created a list of customers and we bound them to a list box. We did this not in the code-behind … Continue reading
Windows Phone From Scratch #12–Custom Behaviors (Part I)
To fully understand how behaviors work, you need to create a couple custom Behaviors of your own. In this tutorial we’ll build a custom behavior and in the next we’ll look at a specialized form of custom behavior called a … Continue reading
Windows Phone From Scratch #10 – Visual State Part 2
This mini-tutorial will build on the work done yesterday, and will demonstrate how to return to the default visual state for a given state group.
Windows Phone From Scratch #9 – Visual State
When transitioning from one state (e.g., button up) to another (e.g., button pressed) the user expects and requires visual feedback. Often this is provided with animation: the button appears to descend. Creating this animation is greatly simplified by the Visual … Continue reading
Windows Phone From Scratch #8–Styles
Let’s take a look at how styles can unify the look and feel of a Windows Phone application. This and the next few Windows Phone From Scratch (WPFS) postings will use the same form, so we’ll begin by creating a … Continue reading