New Job!

I have changed jobs within my current company (CNH Industrial). I will no longer be doing mobile programming (for the first time in six years) and will be building APIs and back-end code!

I think you can expect fewer articles on mobile/ .NET MAUI programming, and more on ASP.NET Core, Azure Functions, APIs, Architecture, Microservices, etc.

I’m also scoping out writing a book which may include the following topics:

  • Creating the back end (SQL Server & SQL)
  • Azure (Docker, Azure Functions) & Localhost
  • Designing and creating the Minimal API (architecture, end points, etc)
  • Creating the front end ( .NET MAUI )

The book would assume only that you have some C# experience. We’d also cover tools, setup, and best practices. All of this would be in the context of a non-trivial application.

I’d be very interested in hearing your thoughts on such a book. Please feel free to send me email at

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.NET MAUI Videos Free

I’ve posted my .NET MAUI For Xamarin.Forms Programmers and Advanced .NET MAUI videos on YouTube.

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Prague Comes To Boston

I’ll be presenting at Boston Code Camp on

  • .NET MAUI For Xamarin.Forms Developers
  • Advanced .NET MAUI

This is a free, one-day event on Saturday, April 29, in Burlington, MA.

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Advanced .NET MAUI Topic: Visual State

With the release of my newest book, .NET MAUI For C# Developers, I’m pleased to present occasional posts on advanced topics. If you are just starting out, however, you may want to take a look at my previous 15 part series in which I learn .NET MAUI or my second series that uses the app (Forget Me Not) that we’ll be using here. Finally, you can find my presentations on .NET MAUI and advanced .NET MAUI on YouTube, here.

Managing Visual State

Every VisualElement has a Visual State. For example, does the VisualElement have focus? Is it selected? Xaml allows you to change the presentation of that VisualElement (e.g., a button) based on that state.

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Presented in Prague

I presented on .NET MAUI For Xamarin.Forms Programmers and Advanced .NET MAUI in Prague last week, and it was great (Prague, not the presentations).

All went well, but touring Prague was terrific. The city was founded in the 10th century and the architecture reflects a millennium of development. The city is immaculate and while only about ⅓ of the people I tried to talk to spoke English, many of those who did spoke it perfectly. The mass transit system is fantastic and the sites are literally awesome.

I’m very grateful to have had this opportunity.

Speaking at .NET MAUI Update
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.NET MAUI For C# Developers

In Stores Now!

Very excited about this book. Feedback is very welcome at


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Yet Another Podcast – NDepend

Excited to have Patrick Smacchia of NDepend on to discuss this amazing tool for creating world-class .NET applications.

Use Cases
Download NDepend

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XAML vs C#

My latest book: Learn .NET MAUI — An Essential Guide for C# Developers will be released March 31, 2023.

Given the existence and likely enhancements to the .NET MAUI Community Markup Toolkit for C#, and that many people will come to MAUI with little or no XAML (or will know XAML and hate it), I was tempted to show all of the code in C#.

But the truth is that most extant User Interface code is in XAML and anything you can do in C# you can do in XAML. So, at least for the first edition, the majority of the code is in XAML with one full view recreation in C#

Here is the Table of Contents:

  1. Assembling your tools and creating your first app
  2. What we will build: Forget Me Not
  3. XAML and C#
  4. MVVM And Controls
  5. Advanced Controls
  6. Layout
  7. Understanding Navigation
  8. Storing and retrieving data
  9. Unit Tests
  10. Consuming a REST API
  11. Advanced Topics

I’m eager to hear your ideas about this decision.


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.NET MAUI Triggers

Triggers in .NET MAUI are not that different from triggers in Xamarin.Forms, but since this is not a frequently used feature, I thought I’d provide a quick deep-dive into their usage.

Triggers allow you to declare, in your XAML, how a control should appear based on data changes. You can combine state triggers with Visual State, a topic I’ll cover in a subsequent blog post.

This is the first of a series of short pieces based on material in my forthcoming book .NET MAUI For C# Developers (Packt* Publishing) which we are targeting for publication in early April.

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Blast from the past: Xamarain TDD (2016)

This video, from evolve 2016 covers Test Driven Development in Xamarin.Forms.

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Best Posts & Podcasts of 2022 –

Picking the best blog posts is pretty painless as I’m the only one posting, so there is no one to insult, but picking the best podcasts risks slighting some of the amazing people who came on Yet Another Podcast.

5 Best Blog Posts

The best blog posts are those that either alone or in a series teach something valuable and current. For 2022, these stand out:

5 Best Podcasts

We had 11 fantastic podcasts in 2022, how do I pick the top five? The only reasonable approach is by their popularity. In date order, they are:

It was quite a year for me as well. I started my newest book .NET MAUI for C# Developers (Packt) to be released at the end of the summer (or, I hope, earlier!)

I also moved from Twitter to Mastodon, which was a big and terrific change. I opened my tiny book store, mostly to keep track of my favorite books, and I opened a new web site for my novel in search of an agent.

Along the way I shed 100 pounds, trained my dog not to pull and, oh yeah, worked full time writing mobile applications for CNH Industrial.

Welcome to what someone on Mastodon called 2020 v3. Let’s hope it is a good and safe year.

Simon (2 year old pointer-mix rescue)
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David Ortinau on .NET MAUI

David Ortinau, Program Manager .NET and voice of .NET MAUI discusses MAUI as a platform, Blazor Hybrid, Community Toolkits, as well as what’s on the road map for .NET MAUI.

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