Picking the best blog posts is pretty painless as I’m the only one posting, so there is no one to insult, but picking the best podcasts risks slighting some of the amazing people who came on Yet Another Podcast.
5 Best Blog Posts
The best blog posts are those that either alone or in a series teach something valuable and current. For 2022, these stand out:
- Forget Me Not – a non-trivial application built in .NET MAUI (series, part 1)
- A Dozen Utilities for programmers
- Learning .NET MAUI – part 1 of 15
- Advanced Data Binding part 1 of 4
- The Miracle of IQueryAttributable – honorable mention from 12/21
5 Best Podcasts
We had 11 fantastic podcasts in 2022, how do I pick the top five? The only reasonable approach is by their popularity. In date order, they are:
- James Montemagno on .NET MAUI
- Uncle Bob Martin on Agile Programming
- C# 11 with Mads Torgerson and Dustin Campbell (parts 1 and 2)
- Bill Wagner on C# 11 Documentation
- David Ortinau on .NET MAUI
It was quite a year for me as well. I started my newest book .NET MAUI for C# Developers (Packt) to be released at the end of the summer (or, I hope, earlier!)
I also moved from Twitter to Mastodon, which was a big and terrific change. I opened my tiny book store, mostly to keep track of my favorite books, and I opened a new web site for my novel in search of an agent.
Along the way I shed 100 pounds, trained my dog not to pull and, oh yeah, worked full time writing mobile applications for CNH Industrial.
Welcome to what someone on Mastodon called 2020 v3. Let’s hope it is a good and safe year.